New Employee Spotlight: Katie

Today we’d like to introduce another new member of the New Horizon staff: Katie!

Q: What is your job title and when did you start working here?
A:  I am a Medical Coder, and I started working at New Horizon Medical in May of this year
Q: What do you like best about New Horizon so far? 
A: I absolutely love it! It is a great work environment. Everyone, in all departments, work together as a team.
Q: Why did you start working in this field? 
A: While Studying at Louisiana State University, in a completely different field (graphic design), one of my fellow classmates was a Medical Coder and I became interested! I changed my career path and it’s something that I am so happy I did.
Q: When you’re not working at New Horizon, what are you most likely to be doing? 
A: Spending time with my fiance and son. We have been renovating our home ourselves for the past year – we finally finished! Since then, we really love family outings: trail walks, beach days, or spending time at the park.
Q: What’s your favorite food?
A: I love fresh basil pesto on gluten free bread.
Q: What’s your favorite movie/tv show?
A:  Game of Thrones! I’m also a huge Gilmore Girls fan.